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Showing posts with the label node.js

Integrate Auth0 In Node.Js

In this blog, you’ll learn how to create a simple and secure Node.js application with the Express web framework by integrating auth0 API’s in the application. Prerequisites Basic understanding of Node.js and JavaScript. A terminal app for MacOS and Linux or PowerShell for Windows. Node.js v8+ and a Node.js package manager installed locally. To install Node.js and NPM, use any of the official Node.js installers provided for your operating system. Create a new Node.js project using Express generator: Install express generator globally on your system. Create a new project using express engine, if you are not a admin user, then you may need admin access for writing files into the directory. After creating a new project, route into the project directory Install the project dependencies There may be chances that you will find some vulnerabilities while installing the project dependencies but don’t worry just run the below command to fix all the vulnerabilities. If there is still some vulnera