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Showing posts from February, 2021

5 Reasons To Develop Your Next Web App With Angular

Web app development is creating ripples in the current marketplace. Though web and mobile apps have been around for quite a long time, they are becoming indispensable with each passing day – with both businesses and customers realizing how crucial they are for them. This, in turn, has intensified the demand for developers and their capabilities. However, one dilemma that developers face is the platform they should choose for app creation. Because there is a multitude of platforms available for web-based application development, the choice is not always easy. Fortunately, one platform you can choose to make sure you’re going in the right direction is AngularJS. First introduced in 2009, the framework has gained huge traction over the years for eliminating unnecessary code and ensuring lighter as well as faster apps. In a collection of structures that are often too complex and challenging for developers to build in, Angular has served as a complete package to build phenomenal apps. Some

Integrate Auth0 In Node.Js

In this blog, you’ll learn how to create a simple and secure Node.js application with the Express web framework by integrating auth0 API’s in the application. Prerequisites Basic understanding of Node.js and JavaScript. A terminal app for MacOS and Linux or PowerShell for Windows. Node.js v8+ and a Node.js package manager installed locally. To install Node.js and NPM, use any of the official Node.js installers provided for your operating system. Create a new Node.js project using Express generator: Install express generator globally on your system. Create a new project using express engine, if you are not a admin user, then you may need admin access for writing files into the directory. After creating a new project, route into the project directory Install the project dependencies There may be chances that you will find some vulnerabilities while installing the project dependencies but don’t worry just run the below command to fix all the vulnerabilities. If there is still some vulnera

Reasons Why Reactjs is Racing Up the Popularity Charts

If there is one technology that the programming world can’t do without, then it is certainly Javascript. The potential of this technology can be estimated from the fact that it is used by 94.9% of all the websites. With such popularity and significance, a number of JavaScript libraries and frameworks have been introduced that are revolutionizing the way modern and dynamic UI for the web is developed. One such sought-after library for building web user interfaces is ReactJS. Like Facebook, the introducer of React, defines it: “React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.” The framework has long been helping JS developers with robust web apps quickly and efficiently with minimal coding. The core objective of ReactJS is to provide the best possible rendering performance. Its strength comes from the focus on individual components i.e. instead of working on the entire web app, ReactJS allows the developers to break down the complex UI into simpler components. This, in turn, n