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Showing posts with the label angularjs

5 Reasons To Develop Your Next Web App With Angular

Web app development is creating ripples in the current marketplace. Though web and mobile apps have been around for quite a long time, they are becoming indispensable with each passing day – with both businesses and customers realizing how crucial they are for them. This, in turn, has intensified the demand for developers and their capabilities. However, one dilemma that developers face is the platform they should choose for app creation. Because there is a multitude of platforms available for web-based application development, the choice is not always easy. Fortunately, one platform you can choose to make sure you’re going in the right direction is AngularJS. First introduced in 2009, the framework has gained huge traction over the years for eliminating unnecessary code and ensuring lighter as well as faster apps. In a collection of structures that are often too complex and challenging for developers to build in, Angular has served as a complete package to build phenomenal apps. Some

Top Features Of Angular 8

Google has finally released its latest Angular 8 version a few weeks ago. The latest version has bought a multitude of attractive features that have made Angular 8 unique compared to its previous versions. Also, the Angular team has gone several steps closer to the final release of Angular 9. In this blog, we will discuss the top features of Angular 8. What’s New in Angular 8 Within the span of seven years, Google has subsequently and frequently released updated versions of the Angular framework. This indicates its devotion to providing a highly secure, advanced and contemporary web development framework for modern requirements. Angular is the most popular front-end development program for building mobile apps, desktop apps and SPAs. The Angular 8.0 has brought with itself an impressive list of changes and improvements. Let’s explore some of the significant features of Angular 8.0 Differential Loading of Modern JavaScript One of the significant aspects of custom web application is that