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6 abilities to check when you hire a ReactJS developer

ReactJS is one of the top-grossing JavaScript libraries today. With more than 10 million websites using React.js worldwide, its demand increases every day.

ReactJS demand is directly proportional to the demand of React.js developers. Google reports that companies and agencies search for front end React developers every 3 hours a day.

We know you are also searching for an experienced React development agency or React developer. A trained professional who can fulfil that urgent skill gap in your team, right? If we are on the same page, keep reading ahead.

This blog post tells you - 6 abilities you should check when hiring a React.js developer.

Being from the same industry, we've seen companies making immature decisions while hiring developers. One wrong selection will waste not only your funds but also time, resources, and maybe clients.

So, carefully follow the points we've discussed below, and you will end up with a professional front end React developer on staff.

Technical Skills

Before you start searching for a ReactJS developer, you should have an idea of the skills they must possess to call themselves an expert.

Here are the prime technical skills you should check when you hire a React.js developer: -

1) HTML5 and CSS3

React.js is not a framework but a front-end library. And when we talk about the front end, HTML and CSS are the fundamental skills to have. Although it is evident, make sure the candidate you hire for the React.js position has refined knowledge of HTML5 & CSS3 tools to create SEO-friendly user interfaces.

2) Advanced JavaScript

You may find this obvious, but we've seen so many developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript. You need someone with a deep knowledge of JavaScript, its components, multi-usage abilities, and a proven track record of building successful JavaScript projects.

3) React Core Components

When hiring a React.js developer, it is necessary to check if the candidate has a solid grip of all React core components such as JSX, Virtual DOM, React hooks, Props, class & function components.

4) Optimization Strategies

There's no point in measuring a website or application's performance until it's completely optimized. Your React.js developer should know intelligent tactics prevalent in the industry to optimize a website or web app. Optimization is a broad concept and goes beyond just coding. It needs a developer to understand the application, involved users, UI/UX, and other specific client requirements.

Knowledge of JavaScript and ECMA Script

Besides the technical skills mentioned above, hiring a ReactJS programmer with a strong command of JavaScript features, syntax, and operations is essential. They must have a decent understanding of DOM manipulation, JS scopes, hoisting, prototypical inheritance, and functions.

Moreover, ECMA Script is another crucial aspect of React-based applications. A React.js developer proficient in ECMA script and JavaScript would bring enormous value to your team. ECMA helps write single-line code and simplifies the entire coding process through its deconstructing feature.

Master of many but jack of all

We are living in a competitive era. Having a ReactJS developer on your team practised with merely one technology or framework will not meet your expectations very efficiently.

You need to hire a skilled ReactJS developer who knows diverse technologies and backend frameworks compatible with React, such as Django, Laravel, and Ruby on Rails, to name a few.

Knowledge of these backend technologies will ensure that your ReactJS developer can comprehend full-stack development solutions.

Talking about Full-Stack in JavaScript, a React.js developer with hands-on experience in MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) and MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js) is a great candidate to consider for this position.

Project Management Skills

If you plan to hire a React development agency, it's different. But if you are hiring a dedicated React.js developer, they should possess the ability to plan, organize, and manage their tasks independently, despite having a supervisor or senior manager above them.

They should be competent in processing complex project requirements, sprint planning, and team communication. Furthermore, they should also be familiar with professional project management tools like Basecamp, Trello, Slack, and Teamwork to measure and share their project progress reports.

Fluency with testing tools and frameworks

Testing is an inevitable part of not just React but any development process. With multiple testing tools and frameworks available in the market to perform different testing approaches like Unit Testing, End-to-end Testing, Integration Testing, you should hire ReactJS developers updated with these modern tools and testing frameworks: -

Ø Unit Testing Frameworks/Tools: Chai, Sinon, Tape, Mocha, Enzyme

Ø End to End Testing Frameworks/Tools: Nightwatch.js, Cypress, Selenium, Cucumber.js

Ø Integration Testing Tool: Karma

These tools and frameworks are best for testing code quality and preventing mistakes when building a React.js web application.

Interpersonal Skills

Everything mentioned above is, in general, a part of technical criteria. While hiring shouldn't be done only based on that. Interpersonal skills play a significant role in selecting a suitable candidate. Thence, always ensure you hire React front end developer with these four interpersonal skills worked upon: -

1) Clear Communication: Ineffective communication is often the hidden culprit behind disrupting a smooth development process. Since everything depends on communication, always shortlist a React.js developer with good written and verbal communication skills.

2) Problem Solving: Not just for coding or programming, problem-solving is an essential benchmark on which you should interview a React.js developer. Most of the time, problems appear unlike regular issues and require critical problem-solving skills. At these times, a React.js developer who can think out of the box will save your development team's time and get the job done efficiently.

3) Team Spirit: The foundation of a successful website or app is teamwork. You would want to hire a React programmer who can fit in well with their team members to produce great outcomes. Any professional trying to be on their own, neither taking anybody's help nor helping their peer workers out, may struggle to maintain a healthy work culture.

4) Broad Minded: React developer you hire should be a professional. An experienced candidate who knows how to accept constructive feedback without taking it as criticism. It is an invaluable skill and can always help one make informed decisions.


Do you feel confident in your ability to check all of these abilities when hiring a ReactJS developer? If not, don't worry! Connect with an experienced React development agency, and they will be more than happy to help you find the perfect React.js developer for your project. 


With the help of their expert team, you can relax and know that your project is in good hands. Have you tried using any of these techniques when hiring a ReactJS developer? Let us know how it went in the comments below!


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